Organics From Ireland
Ireland has a steep tradition and heritage in producing world class organic produce. Due to Ireland’s island location on the most western point of Europe and its mild temperate wet climate, it is the ideal location for producing high quality, delicious tasting organic produce. Irish organic farmers are committed to working in harmony with nature utilising the natural resources of Ireland’s lush grasslands. While 100% of salmon from Ireland is organic, fed on a diet of natural ingredients with fish welfare and health a top priority. Irish organic food and beverages are certified to strict EU organic standards along with accreditation from the leading organic standard across Continental Europe and the UK.
Origin Green
Launched in 2012, Origin Green is Ireland’s national sustainability programme for the Irish food and drink industry. It is the only sustainability programme in the world which operates on a national scale, uniting government, the private sector and food and drink producers.
Origin Green is independently verified, enabling Ireland’s farmers, producers and food businesses to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets – reducing environmental impact, serving local communities more effectively and protecting the extraordinarily rich natural resources that Ireland enjoys. To date in Ireland over 300,000 on farm carbon footprint assessment have been conducted.
When sourcing Origin Green verified organic food and drink from Ireland, you are confident in supplying your customers with a truly differentiated sustainable product which is independently verified and globally recognised through ISO17065 international accreditation, Carbon Trust and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Meet Some of our Organic Producers

Irish Organic Salmon
Irelands Atlantic Coast provides the perfect conditions for the production of top quality organic salmon and Ireland is a proud world leader in organic salmon production.
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Natexpo 2023
At Natexpo October 22nd – 24th, Bord Bia with nine Irish sustainably verified and innovative organic manufacturers will be exhibiting on the Ireland Origin Green Organic pavilion. Visit the stand to learn more about the quality and ambition of the Irish organic sector along with meeting with category leads across organic dairy, seafood, beverage, alcohol and prepared foods.
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