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Company address

Joseph Brennan Bakeries, Greenhills Industrial Estate,
Walkinstown, Dublin 12, Ireland, D12 XR92, Walkinstown, Dublin

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Foodservice
  • Retail

Origin Green Sustainability Programme

The Bord Bia Origin Green project is the world’s first sustainability programme for a country’s entire food and drink industry. Origin Green enables Ireland’s farmers and food producers to make measurable sustainability commitments which allow the industry to reduce its environmental impact and serve local communities more effectively. Brennans are proud to be part of this initiative.

Over 45 years ago, Old Mr Brennan baked the first loaves of Brennan's Bread in the company's one room bakery in Fumbally Lane, Dublin.

Brennan's Bread is now one of the largest bakeries in Ireland and is still very a much a family affair, with Old Mr Brennan's family still overseeing the recipes and baking skills he perfected.

The company's motto is 'Today's Bread Today' and that means the bread customers see on the shop shelf every day will have left the bakery early that very morning.

Why Us

Brennan's Bread is the number one selling bread in Ireland and the country's third largest grocery brand.

Arguably one of the most iconic Irish food brands from the last 50 years, it prides itself on its promise of 'Today's Bread Today'.

Our product range

Packaged White Bread

Packaged Wholemeal Bread

Packaged Wholegrain

Packaged Batch

Lifestyle Bread

Seeded Bread

Dietary Bread

Soda Bread


Gluten-free Bread

Burger Buns

Hotdog Rolls

  • Great Britain
  • North America
Our Accreditations
  • Origin Green Verified
Our Awards

EIQA - Quality Management Systems Awards 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011
EIQA Level 3 - Quality Management Systems Awards 2012&2013
Overall National Winner - Quality Management Systems Awards 2012&2013
'Highly Commended' - Quality Management Systems Awards 2016

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