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Company address

Scartagh, Clonakilty,
West Cork, Cork

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Foodservice
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
Established in 1994, Irish Yogurts is privately-owned by Diarmuid O' Sullivan and Mary Daly.

Based in Clonakilty, County Cork it employs over 225 people in a state-of-the-art production facility which opened in 2016. This new facility provides a highly flexible manufacturing process to suit all yogurt categories, volumes and customers.

Irish Yogurts produces its range using churn-style technology, which is unique to the company. This technology allows the product to be thick and creamy without the addition of stabilisers or gelatins.

Irish Yogurts is a verified member of Origin Green and is BRC A Grade certified.

Why Us

Irish Yogurts is a family-run company in the heart of West Cork, an area full of thriving food businesses. Its emphasis is on tradition and quality, and it supports the community by sourcing all its milk and cream locally.

Irish Yogurts prides itself on quality and NPD is a passion. It continuously adapts to meet the needs and developing trends of the consumer.

Our product range

Irish Yogurts Fat-Free Natural - 500g

Irish Yogurts Low Fat Natural - 500g

Irish Yogurts Greek Style Yogurt - 500g

Irish Yogurts Granola - Summer Fruits, Strawberry, 165g

Irish Yogurts Indulgent - Strawberry, Rhubarb, Vanilla, Toffee, 150g

Irish Yogurts 0% Range - 125g

Irish Yogurts Creme Fraiche – 250g

Diet Range - 125g

Custard Style - 125g

Thick & Creamy - Strawberry, Fudge, 125g

  • Europe
  • Great Britain
  • Middle East
Our Accreditations
  • BRC
  • Origin Green Verified
Our Awards

Numerous Great Taste Awards and Blas na hÉireann Awards spanning from 2009 to 2017.

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  • Chilled
  • Dairy
  • Frozen
  • Meat
  • PCF
  • Savoury Snacks

Specialists in

Dairy (BSM & Cheese), Meats (Cooked and Raw), Ready Meals (Chilled & Frozen).


Distributor, Foodservice, Retail


Europe, Great Britain, Ireland