Why Us
McCarren sources in excess of €0.5m livestock weekly-predominantly from pig farmers in the counties adjacent to the border and within a 25km radius of the site. All Farms are audited according to Bord Bia standards and fully traceability to the farm. The site slaughters 9.5% of the ROI kill.
Our product range
About 20% of McCarren output is further-processed within Kepak Group and the balance of 80% to key customer partnerships. The site is approved for all the major retailers and is an integral supply partner to foodservice operators in Ireland.
Our Accreditations
- Origin Green Verified
Recommended Suppliers
Specialists in
Sous-vide proteins, offering a wide range of fully cooked products with both fresh and frozen options available.
Foodservice, Online, Retail
Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Great Britain
Specialists in
IFP ensures the value of by-products is maximised and the environmental impact of our business and customers is minimised.
Foodservice, Manufacturing, Online, Retail
Africa, Asia, China, Europe, Great Britain, Ireland