'Some people get the job done. Going from task to task. On their feet. On the move. Keeping the world turning. They need proper food. Quick. Easy. Tasty.

Nomadic makes nourishing, convenience food for people who need to get the job done. Great tasting products. Engineered to go.
Nomadic is the number one yogurt brand in the UK convenience channel. Based in Killygordon, Donegal, Nomadic was founded in 1998 and employs around 100 people in Ireland and UK.
Nomadic. Ready when you are.
Yogurt & Oat Clusters
Protein+ Granola
Breakfast Oats
Protein Puddings
Breakfast To Go
Great Taste Awards
Unpasteurised cheddar cheese.
Foodservice, Online, Retail
Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Middle East, North America
Africa, Asia, Asia Pacific, Australia, China, Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Middle East, North America, South America