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Quinlan’s Fish

Company address

Cahirciveen, Co Kerry,

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Foodservice
  • Retail

Origin Green Sustainability Programme

  • • Kerry Fish are committed to ensuring there is a healthy future for the Irish fishing industry.
  • • Every day the team at Kerry Fish work in a sustainable and responsible manner and are committed to reducing the company’s environmental impact wherever possible.
  • • One such initiative the company has steadfastly focused upon is the reduction of energy usage in its daily operations.
  • • Since the inception of its current sustainability plan in 2019, the company has reduced energy usage per tonne of salmon produced by over 6%.
  • • The company operates a robust energy management system and attributes current savings to daily checks on door seals, lighting, and switching off machinery when not in use.
  • • Enhanced and ongoing staff training in this area also helps to ensure energy is not being wasted throughout its operations.
Quinlans Fish is a family run business established in 1963, specialising in wild and organic salmon. One of Ireland’s most decorated smokers with multiple great taste wins and overall winners of the Irish food awards in the smoked salmon category three years running.

Since 1960 the company operated as Kerryfish. Since 2000 the business has expanded and the Fish Shops and Seafood bars are branded under the Quinlans name. We supply the finest sustainable seafood from Irelands west coast to customers all over the world and we are proud of our reputation for fresh fish and the very best Wild Organic and Superior Irish Smoked Salmon. Put simply Fresh Fish and Smoked Salmon are a passion for our family!

Our philosophy is to use artisan skills, age-old recipes and the finest fresh ingredients to bring our customers the best Wild, Organic and Superior Irish Smoked Salmon. We carefully select, cure and smoke the finest Atlantic Salmon to produce our Award Winning Wild Organic and Superior Irish Smoked Salmon

PRODUCT RANGE: Wild, organic and conventional smoked salmon, packs and bespoke. 50% export 50% brand Taken over Kenmare Select (March 2017)

Why Us

Our philosophy is to use artisan skills, age-old recipes and the finest fresh ingredients to bring our customers the best Wild, Organic and Superior Irish Smoked Salmon. We carefully select, cure and smoke the finest Atlantic Salmon to produce our Award Winning Wild Organic and Superior Irish Smoked Salmon

Our product range

Organic Smoked Irish Salmon

Superior Irish Salmon

Wild Smoked Salmon

Kenmare Select Smoked Salmon

Fresh Fish

  • Europe
Our Accreditations
  • Organic
  • Origin Green Verified
Our Awards


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