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Company address

Porturlin, ,
Ballina, Mayo

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Foodservice
  • Retail

Origin Green Sustainability Programme

  • • West Coast Crab are committed to responsible fishing practices and the long-term protection of the marine environment.
  • • The company’s fishing vessels meet strict standards of quality, safety and traceability.
  • • West Coast Crab’s FIP membership was maintained with 4 vessels participating in the FIP in 2020.
  • • The company's vessels have completed the audit stage of the Responsible Sourced Seafood (RSS) Certification process and are awaiting a certification decision early 2022.
Catching and sales of Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus) and some lobster (all live). No processing, B2B sales into processors (UK), wholesalers (China), etc. Business split between domestic and export. Primary export market is the UK and China with 60% destined for the latter. The company is relatively new, with turnover figures now at €3m, as of 1 Feb 2019. The company has 5 vessels.
Our product range

Live crab and lobster

  • China
  • Europe
  • Ireland
Our Accreditations
  • Origin Green Verified
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