Origin Green Sustainability Programme
In the process of applying for OG membership
In the process of applying for OG membership
Company has long history of producing fresh and frozen poultry products and continuous expansion porgramme to maintain highest quality. All chckens sourced for production are 100 % born, reared and slaughtered in ROI. Company operates strict quality management system and only process Bord Bia approved poultry from growers who are independenlty audited by Bord Bia.
Product Description Poultry - Whole Birds, Portions, Value Added products, offal- Liver/ Gizzards/ Hearts, Skin, Wings, Free Range Products
1 star Great Taste Award- Tesco Lemon & Pepper Spatchcock
Pork products
Foodservice, Importer, Retail
Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, Ireland
Dawn Meats specialise in producing bone in and boneless beef, lamb and burger patties. Dawn Meats provides ready-to-heat meal solutions and on-the-go meat snacks in frozen, chilled, or fully cooked formats.
Foodservice, Manufacturing, Retail
Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Great Britain, North America