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Company address

The Maudlins, Naas,
Co. Kildare, Ireland W91 H97R, Naas, Kildare

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Distributor
  • Foodservice
  • Manufacturing

Origin Green Sustainability Programme

o Dawn Farms’ philosophy is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our staff, to be active and positive contributors to the communities in which we live and work and to be good stewards of the environment. We are proud to be one of the founding members of Origin Green, Ireland’s national food and drink sustainability programme. o All Our Futures, Dawn Farms’ sustainability programme, covers 4 key pillars: Environment, Health & Nutrition, Sustainable Sourcing and Workplace & Community

Dawn Farms is a B2B company and is Europe’s leading dedicated multi-species cooked protein company.

They also offer the most comprehensive range of fermented and dried sausage products (pepperoni, salami and chorizo) for the pizza, sandwich, snack and prepared meal sectors. Their extensive product range is further complemented by a growing selection of plant-based cooked protein options under our Plant Deli brand to meet today’s developing consumer trends.

They are a family company with a global reach, exporting to over 44 international markets. They are proud to supply many of the world’s most loved food brands in retail and QSR/fast casual restaurants from our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Ireland, Germany and the U.K.

Why Us

As the preferred supplier to the world’s leading foodservice/QSR brands and food manufacturers in the pizza, sandwich and ready meal categories, customers know they are getting the best when they source from Dawn Farms. We protect our customer’s brand through a forensic approach to food safety and unrivalled investment and expertise in the science of cooked protein for our served markets & customers built over 36 years.

Our product range

o Fermented and ready to eat Pepperoni, Salami, and Chorizo
o Fully Cooked Chicken in strips, roasted, bar-marked, sous vide in a variety of flavours
o Cooked Meatballs in various sizes
o Cooked Ham in stamps, julienne and pulled pieces
o Fully Cooked Bacon, Streaky, Back Bacon or Pigs in Blankets
o Fully Cooked Beef in mince, crumbles, chunks or pulled pieces
o Ready to Order brands
- Plant Deli range of plant-based proteins including: Vegeroni, chorizo, chicken, burger, meatballs, mince, Mexican Beans, BBQ Pulled Jackfruit, toona and bacon
- Habibi range of premium certified Halal cooked meat products

Markets supplied
  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • Great Britain
  • Middle East
  • South America
Our Accreditations
  • BRC
  • BRC+
  • ISO 50001
  • Origin Green Gold Member
  • Origin Green Verified
Our Awards

Sammies New Product Award -Ingredients Category 2020
Lean Business Ireland Enterprise of the Year 2018
Lean Business Ireland Award for Lean Organizational Leadership 2018
IEA Exporter of the Year 2012 and 2016
Sustainable Energy Awards Winner 2014

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