Supplying Ireland’s largest range of Specialty certified organic coffees, Fair-trade certified coffee, and single origins from farmers we know. All our coffee is Specialty, meaning it scores 80 or above by qualified Q-Graders both here in Ireland and around the World.

Ireland’s First Carbon Neutral Coffee Roastey, offsetting more carbon than we are producing. Click here for our 2021 Sustainability Report.
In 2019, we were the first Irish Coffee Roasters to offer a unique collection service of every bag of coffee we supply to our wholesale accounts for recycling into plant boxes, watering cans and park benches by Terracycle.
Our take away cups are fully recyclable and made in Ireland.
Our roasting waste is used as compost by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Co. Council
We’ve teamed up with Hometree, an Irish charity whose work is to establish and conserve permanent native woodland in Ireland, encouraging land regeneration and biodiversity through afforestation, restoration and education. Together with our partners Tree Nation planting trees between the Tropics, we now have agreements in place to plant over 3,000 trees a year. This will offset more than our carbon footprint and improve bio-diversity in these areas. All of the tree planting projects we’re involved with have firm partnership contracts in place to ensure the trees are managed, protected and allowed to live out their natural lives.
You can visit our forest soon in Milltown Malbay, Co. Clare.
Delivering SCA ,Coffee Skills Programme (CSP) Introduction to Coffee, Barista Skills Foundation and Brewing Foundation modules online from 2021