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Company address

Farnham Road, ,

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Foodservice
  • Retail
Product Description: Pigmeat - Bone-in, Boneless, Consumer Prepared Products Member of UK Foodservice Programme
Why Us

McCarren sources in excess of €0.5m livestock weekly-predominantly from pig farmers in the counties adjacent to the border and within a 25km radius of the site. All Farms are audited according to Bord Bia standards and fully traceability to the farm. The site slaughters 9.5% of the ROI kill.

Our product range

About 20% of McCarren output is further-processed within Kepak Group and the balance of 80% to key customer partnerships. The site is approved for all the major retailers and is an integral supply partner to foodservice operators in Ireland.

Markets supplied
  • Europe
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
Our Accreditations
  • BRC
  • Origin Green Verified
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